We are the ones


Welcome magnificent, beautiful, amazing and limitless being. Be sure to know your humble greatness.

This page acts as a reminder of the wonderful and tremendous power and beauty of our potential team. A constillation for the greater good of all. As well as an introduction to the Star Project.

Access is restricted to those of the highest passion and devotion. So if you are here, once again, be sure to know your humble greatness. <3


The Star Project

Hellothere amazing being & welcome to the introduction of the Star Project, Viktor here and now I’m going to guide you through a vision. First off, I’m so fucking glad that you are here. This will surely be of the highest awesomeness.

To round up what I’ve allready told everyone here on this page with the same words.

First, let’s clarify why we are here

We are here because we wish to live our lives to the fullest and give our values to the collective we are part of in a way that creates the maximum positive impact to all.

Second, How are we going to do so?

to Through leveraging the ripple effect. That is why the name of the project is The Star’t. Let me ellaborate; We all can agree on that we are most influenced and impacted by individuals, groups and organizations that we look up to and see as a role model. In a situation where we are close to one we naturally get high levels of curiosiy, interest, attention, focus, will, motivation, inspiration, hope, clarity and courage. In a situation like this our development capacity is increased drastically without any effort from the rolemodel.

So with that said, we are going to be organized and professional rolemodels in different areas – Stars that lead the way in this start of a new paradigm and era.

Because as we show how we all can benefit individually from being Collective rolemode, through practising and living collectivly with honor and respect, compassion and empathy at workplaces. The ripples will spread to their children, friends and family. To their organizations ecological footprint and their individual effect on the collective. Can you see the ripples?

Third. What are we creating in order to realize this?

The Star Project is a platform I’ve invisioned to act as a catalyst for us to elevate the consciousness of humanity and create an elaborate network of all woke projects to achive maximum synergy and constructive value for the Earth Collective.

We can do so through supporting each other in the elevation of our individual values to the collective, synergize these values in the most optimal constellation and then offer this value to the world.

The Steps to realize this project is the following: 

1# Essemble a team of highly woke, passionate and devoted individuals with great synergy

2# Create an individual “highest reality vision” for every team member

3# Mastermind a gameplan where all individuals of the team can get their first client and realize the first step of the “highest reality vision”

4# Create templates and educational documents on all our processes and valuables so future scalability becomes possible

5# Develop a digital platform called “Star System”

6# Through “Star System” scale The Star Network in a self organized manner with management and support from a “core team”

7# Develop and maintain The Star System until humanity is all gooood


The starteams

The Star Influencers

David Löfman

Public Speaker & Videographer

David Involves the younger generation in his non-profit organisation WINGS Foundation, in order to combat depression, bullying, racism and more issues that we have in first world countries. Using his camera as his main story telling tool, he also inspires people to find their own passions.





Alexei Forella

Instagram & Youtube Influencer

Hi My name is Alexei Forella! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.





Julie Aimen

Instagram & Youtube Influencer

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.





The Star Organization Advisors

Viktor Lind

Strategy and Management

Heyhey there! My name is Viktor Lind, I am the founder of The Star’t and a visionary world builder. I use my limitless imagination and intuition to find the the possibilities with the highest value for all. I see a world with a united humanity collaborating in peace as a sustainable and thriving collective.

Those who can see the invisible can do the impossible.”





Monica Forsell

Strategy and Management

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”




Magnus Ericsson

Strategy and Management

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.

If you don’t know, the thing to do is not to get scared, but to learn.”





The Star Communicators

Spirit Rosenberg

Public Speaking Trainer

This is our very fantastic Public Speaking Trainer Spirit. Just like his name he is mysterious and persistent and not shy of pointing out the hidden. Spirits work is essential to any organization as the ability to speak and lead with autheniticity, intensity and clarity is vital for revelations and inspirations to be acted upon in groups of self leadership.

*välj ett quote bror <3*.”




Brian Moesly

Strategy and Management

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.

Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”




Amber Lia

Strategy and Management

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus. 

Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.”




The Star Culturists

Shelly Cureen

Strategy and Management

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.

Every day is a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again.”




Mike Vessel

Strategy and Management

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.”





Amy Stinner

Strategy and Management

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.

If you want to awaken all of humanity, awaken all of yourself.”





The Star Structurists

Sakaë Aisha

Strategy and Management

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.

Do or do not, there is no try.”





John Petersson

Strategy and Management

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.

Don’t limit your challenges – challenge your limits.”




Liam Smouth

Strategy and Management

Hi My name is Julie Aimen! irum ipsum cornelius forna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate dui et libero aliquet, nec porttitor enim lacinia. Nam ullamcorper bibendum odio in tempus. Vestibulum a eleifend sem. Mauris aliquam quam eget ipsum venenatis faucibus.

Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.”





For a better world.