

What we can see and believe, we can achieve

We are here on this magnificent planet together. Traveling through our galaxy. Dancing amongst stars, comets and planets. Avoiding black holes and galactic disasters. Enjoying our paradise, exploring consciousness and life from all angels.

A young planetary society learning how to work together, how to create a space where all can thrive. Manifesting a global supportive infrastructure that enables everyone to explore this world freely.

We, you and me, are the ones doing this job. And every other centient beings on the planet. And probably many beyond our planet as well, but let’s hold on those questions till we got our balance back shall we.

Imagine what we could achieve with directed energy and resources. Imagine how fast we really could end world starvation, thirst and destructive industries. We decide what we buy. So we decide what we create.

Let’s build the greatest world we can, starting with making sure everyone, and i mean everyone. Is well.

Together we are limitless

Star Network

Today we are as a spicie experiencing a lesson in collective character. Just as if we loose character as an individual, our wellbeing plummit. Our current world is a reflection of our past collective character.

We have yet, as a spicie, created an open collaboration platform for us to sustain the needs of everyone on the planet so we can reach our highest collective state.

As we are aware of the needs of life on our planet, we know where to direct resources and energy. To the places and spaces that are in need.

But resources is not only steel or crops. Resources are collective leadership and guidance. Knowledge and wisdom. We need to help each other inspire transformational and lasting change, through directing the energy we have power over to the spaces in need.

Essential needs‘ focused projects

Our needs as a collective is reflective to our needs as individuals. We need the possibility to fill our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs in order to thrive.

The projects on this platform platform is focused around our essential needs of our home and her inhabitants. Example, if an area is lacking in accesabillity to fresh water, that is the main focus of all projects in the area.

When an area’s essential needs are filled, the projects of the area focus more in maintainance of essential needs and more experience based projects. Creating a safe space for culture and creativity to evolve organically.

The mission of the platform is to collectivly take us from a lacking and competitive mindset and into an aboundant and collaborative mindset.

Using our worlds urgent essential needs as the transformational vehicle.

Join the fun



A project to track and act as a live feed of the current state of the world’s needs. To be used for creators to know where to channel their support.

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Global Network of Hubs to act as nodes for the network where people can work together, create new projects, share experiences, evolve and be inspired.

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An online platform foll all creators to easily set up, manage and scale projects in alignment with the worlds most urgent needs.

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The project is mainly about gathering and mapping information. Setting up steady and reliable streams of information.

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Facilities for areas with most urgent essential needs unfulfilled where local infrastructure and individuals can connect with supporters.

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Digital space to visualise global essential needs, ease project coordination and development as to sharing vital resources and knowledge.

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| The Star’t

We are The Start for a better world.

Together we have the possibilities to lead the way and inspire more to join the quest of co-creating a sustainable world in peace.


We are devoted, committed and dedicated to empower all in the quest of creating a better world for all.

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For a better world – The Star’t – Designed by Viktor Lind